Complex2-Liu | 老爹 yinyang

One cannot turn back the hands of time.

如果努力的话, 也许, 生命比想象中要顽强.

MACMO 澳门校际数学比赛

MACMO (aka 澳门校际数学比赛) is a regional contest in which every single participant represents his or her high school. Usually this contest is also the TST (i.e. team selection test) in Macau, which means that the top 6 contestants are qualified to take part in IMO on behalf of Macau.

This page archives the problems and solutions to Macau yearly Math Olympiad contest.

教育及青年發展局有收录历年比赛试题, 但收录的并不完整而且也没有答案.

Caution: The solutions I provided below is UNOFFICIAL. I have nothing to do with MACMO official. All of my works are based on my interest.


Suggestions and comments are welcome.


(a831988): 感谢吴思凡为 Contest 2020 的 Problem 3 提供了一个另解, 不需要使用 S.O.S, 更加简洁.