Complex2-Liu | 老爹 yinyang

One cannot turn back the hands of time.

如果努力的话, 也许, 生命比想象中要顽强.

Homepage of Complex2-老爹

cat Welcome! This is the homepage of Complex2-老爹. The image on the left is my pet (technically, my brother's pet), a golden british shorthair (金渐层) 🐈🐈 officially joining our family since 2022.

At the present time, I am a second year master's student in mathematics at Peking University.

If you are a high school student preparing math olympiad contest in Macau (SAR of China), you may vist the MACMO 澳门校际数学比赛 page, or the related articles in my blog.

Caution: 本站所有的言论, 观点全部都只代表我个人. 基于个人能力的局限性, 请不要认为我的东西就一定是对的, 一定是好的.

About me

Complex2-老爹是北京大学数学系的在读硕士生. 除了数学研究以外, 我的兴趣还包括但不限于:

最后顺带一提, 我目前单身.